Make Tools More Comfortable
Are you tired of your hands hurting after you've held onto a tool all day long? Sometimes it's a hammer, or a chisel, or a file.
Or you could be like me and just have arthritis in your hands, and just holding a tool can cause pain. So I've set about finding some workarounds. Even if you don't have arthritis or plan on holding onto a tool all day, this will make them a lot more comfortable to use..
First up is...Vetrap!
You can get this at a regular pharmacy, but since you won't be using it to wrap wounds, you can get it from a ranch supply place or a pet store for a lot cheaper. At the date of this blog entry, you can get a roll of Vetrap (that's pronounced "vet wrap"), 4 inches wide by about 7 feet long, for around $3. This is enough to wrap 2-4 handles generously with cushy softness.
Vetrap in oodles of colors |
This stuff is
so nice! Besides making heavy hammers a lot nicer to use, it also provides grip. However, I am a little OCD and like to keep my tool handles relatively clean, so I will be using some spray Plasti-Dip on my Vetrapped handles so I can just wipe them off when they start getting greasy. Just as soon as it warms up enough so I can paint them outside, because it's still snowing a couple of times per week in Wyoming.
Oh, did I mention they come in oodles of colors? Think color coding.
And in case you should ask somebody that you want some Vetrap, and they look at you with that blank stare, tell them they use the stuff to wrap horses' legs.
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